Every man that has the ability to labour has been so appointed to give to the needy. In whatever capacity you labour, kindness and generosity must not be wanting in your traits.
Every man that has the ability to labour has been so appointed to give to the needy. In whatever capacity you labour, kindness and generosity must not be wanting in your traits.
Beloved, in this waiting time, how do we refresh the Lord’s heart? Can our lives conform with the hallmarks described in the examples seen in the Bible?
Psalm 110 is another of the many benign, un-noticed prophetic declarations concerning the Lord Jesus Christ and has lessons for us as those waiting for the upward call of the Lord.
The call for each of us is as Paul declared in Philippians 3:7-15. And indeed, the pains and suffering necessarily must bring us to the point of sighing and groaning for the iniquity of the land
This is not the time to work outside the control and guidance of the Holy Spirit; it is like fishing on the wrong side of the boat.
When overridden by fear and uncertainty do not wean yourself away from the Holy Spirit your helper going back to your old ways.
Psalm 5:12 says that the favour of the Lord is a shield of love that surrounds and protects the righteous believer on every side.
Righteousness is not just a standard, nor just a fixed state of mind but rather a life to live, the continuing act of being in obedience, doing what pleases the Father.
In John 8:23, the Lord said, I am from above. Where is above and what should we be doing in preparing ourselves for this destination?
Whatsoever affliction comes is not only light, and time bound, but also works to produce or make us ready for the glory to come.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church