Continuing the lessons of the life characteristics of the brook refreshing the Lord in the day of battle we note the following among many more:
i. Another illustration of Psalm 110:7 is the story in John 4:1-25. In the 6th hour of the day, in the heat of the mid-eastern sun (verses 6-7) the Lord asked the woman, “give me to drink.” What a great illustration of grace expressed in the battle to snatch an ignorantly trapped sinner from the clutches of the ruler of darkness; and turn her into a proclaimer of the amazing grace that saved her. He opened the blind eyes of a woman who had been married to her senses, sensuality and religion. He caused her to see the only true lover of her soul so she could sing to the entire village (vs. 25-26, 28-29,33-42). In a sense she sang, by leaving her water pot, “I am married to Jesus, Satan leave me alone. My Saviour is here to take me away as His bride to His everlasting home.” She was a refreshing brook to the Master, enabling Him to focus on the purpose of His coming (vs. 32-34).
Are you and I enablers of reaching the unreached with our talent, our time and our treasures? Do your part in reaching souls in your community, across your region and country. Time no longer!
ii. The Centurion who came to the Lord on behalf of his sick servant insisting that the Lord just speak the word to heal (Matthew 8:5-13). The centurion’s trust not just in the ability of the Lord to heal was not the only thing, more was the understanding of the willing heart of a Father towards His creation. How do you see the Lord?
iii. Zacchaeus who wanted to see the Lord, and he would go to any length not to miss the lifetime opportunity to meet the only compassionate heart, the true friend of the sinner that is stigmatized and condemned by the religious leaders and the generality of people. Jesus saw him on the tree, and He changed the life of Zacchaeus when he opened his door to the Lord (Luke 19:2-10);
iv. What about the Samaritan leper who returned to give thanks (Luke 17:12-19) while the other entitlement-minded nine took the healing for granted. Oh, for a grateful heart to experience wholeness in our lives.
v. We will not forget Peter’s confession (Matthew 16:16) that drew such heartfelt refreshing from the Lord, that those who He chose knew Him and His purpose on earth.
Beloved, in this waiting time, how do we refresh the Lord’s heart as these did? Actions speak louder than voice. Can our lives conform with the hallmarks hitherto described viz:
- Intimacy with Him like Mary,
- Worship as Mary,
- Sacrifice like the widow,
- Sacrifice, service and loyalty to the Master to the point of death as the women did,
- Humility as the Canaanite woman,
- Spreading the news of the wonders of grace as the Samaritan woman from Sychar,
- Giving thanks like the returning leper,
- Never lose the opportunity to repent like Zacchaeus, and
- Receive the things of the Lord and make them ours like Peter did.
May the Lord find pleasure in each of us. Be on the Lord’s side (Ezekiel 9:3-6; Philippians 2:14-16)
Pastor Afolabi Oladele
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