Jacob’s limp represented the death of his old life of deceit and the beginning of his new life with God. The end of Jacob and the start of Israel.
Jacob’s limp represented the death of his old life of deceit and the beginning of his new life with God. The end of Jacob and the start of Israel.
Are you at the ford of Jabbok in your life? There is hope, there is assurance. Our God knows where to touch you.
When was the last time you were willing to lay it all on the line to see something greater happen in your life? The season is here, take that step and see the Lord God in action.
Is there a Mordecai in your life, who sees the potential in you and has been encouraging you to step out in faith to serve your God?
Are you hesitating as Esther first did?
Beloved, in this waiting time, how do we refresh the Lord’s heart? Can our lives conform with the hallmarks described in the examples seen in the Bible?
Does a woman well taught and grounded in the instruction and practice of the word have a role in shepherding?
In today’s post we are being called to do an inward search. Don’t miss the window of grace and mercy that’s open now before the judgment in the household of God starts.
Presumption is so pervasive in the church today. What have you presumptuously allowed in your life?
Uzzah’s death illustrates that for all generations God still requires conformity with His word and His will and that we need to heed the warning in Hebrews 2:1.
Your sordid past need not be a hindrance to answering the call once you are fully repented and committed to following Him.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church