To raise a group of believers who are carriers and transmitters of the Truth, knowledge and the Life of God; giving light to the nations for faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to live for Him here and now, and to be prepared to meet the Lord in the air at His soon return.

To partner with the Lord Jesus Christ and through teaching of sound doctrine, ensure the removal of the spiritual veil covering and preventing the nations from imbibing the whole truth of the gospel, especially the dynamics of the end-time as revealed in the Holy Bible.


In The Steps Of The Leader (Part 3): How Big Is Your Shepherd?

What is your view of this Shepherd God? A. W. Tozer wrote “a low view of God is the cause of a hundred lesser evils; a high view of God is the solution to tens of thousands of temporal problems.

In The Steps of The Leader (Part 2)

There are strangers’ voices all around us and John 10:4 demands that we set our eyes, our gaze on the Shepherd Lord going before us.

In The Steps of The Leader (Part 1): John 10:4; John 12:26 

You have heard the saying, “we hear what we see!” If our gaze is set upon the Chief Shepherd who goes before us, we will not be distracted but will become like Him

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