To raise a group of believers who are carriers and transmitters of the Truth, knowledge and the Life of God; giving light to the nations for faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to live for Him here and now, and to be prepared to meet the Lord in the air at His soon return.

To partner with the Lord Jesus Christ and through teaching of sound doctrine, ensure the removal of the spiritual veil covering and preventing the nations from imbibing the whole truth of the gospel, especially the dynamics of the end-time as revealed in the Holy Bible.


Freedom Proclamation—Proverbs 23:7

Today we go back to the matter of pursuing righteousness as believers. Have you heard before this statement “it runs in my family; I can’t do anything about it!” Thus, […]

Speaking The Truth. How?—Ephesians 4:15

Every man that has the ability to labour has been so appointed to give to the needy. In whatever capacity you labour, kindness and generosity must not be wanting in your traits.

Psalm 110 Explained (Part 2)

Beloved, in this waiting time, how do we refresh the Lord’s heart? Can our lives conform with the hallmarks described in the examples seen in the Bible?

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