A right response to disappointment begins with resisting the natural tendency toward bitterness. We can ask God’s help on how to respond to the circumstance or the personality behind our situation.
A right response to disappointment begins with resisting the natural tendency toward bitterness. We can ask God’s help on how to respond to the circumstance or the personality behind our situation.
This life journey is a marathon race run emptied of the burdens or wounds of little arrows that have pierced us, wounds or hurts by rulers, or society or family amongst who we live.
Our forerunners in the faith of Christ saw the reality that they had a home in glory land that outshines the sun and it was a great driver of their walk with the Lord. This present generation is too earthbound, and we need God’s help to return to the faith once delivered to the saints.
O, child of God, are you so absorbed by the story of the rulers of this world, that you follow it in the trail of lies that end in destruction!
Have you asked the Lord whether you are living the life He desired for you, walking the plan He worked out for you and are in the place He appointed for you?
Knowing the time, take advantage of everyday for the days are evil. Be careful how you live and particularly in your interaction with the unbelieving.
When one is gone, it is one soldier or labourer less. Hence, the responsibility is for every candle to shine the light, every lover of God to turn many more men from darkness of sin to the light of God.
Are you as a believer disseminating the light, constantly sacrificing this life on the altar of bringing the light of Christ to all? Are you conscious of the reality that the burning time for the candle is finite, that soon there will be no more time for you?
the principles of the kingdom of God were not intended to remain secrets with the disciples, rather as lights to the world, they were to communicate the same to others. Are we doing that?
The analogy of the lit candle should be food for thought for all believers. When a candle is lit, several things happen.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church