Today we compare these two scriptures, 1 Peter 4:7-11 and 1 Corinthians 7:29-32
1 Peter 4:7-11 (TPT)
Since we are approaching the end of all things, be intentional, purposeful, and self-controlled so that you can be given to prayer. Above all, constantly echo God’s intense love for one another, for love will be a canopy over a multitude of sins. Be compassionate to foreigners without complaining. Every believer has received grace gifts, so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards of the many-colored tapestry of God’s grace. For example, if you have a speaking gift, speak as though God were speaking his words through you. If you have the gift of serving, do it passionately with the strength God gives you, so that in everything God alone will be glorified through Jesus Christ. For to him belong the power and the glory forever throughout all ages! Amen.
1 Corinthians 7:29-32 (TPT)
My friends, what I mean is this. The urgency of our times mean that from now on, those who have wives should live as though without them. And those who weep should forget their tears. And those who rejoice will have no time to celebrate. And those who purchase items will have no time to enjoy them. We are to live as those who live in the world but are not absorbed by it, for the world as we know it is quickly passing away. Because of this, we need to live as free from anxiety as possible. For a single man is focused on the things of the Lord and how he may please him.
These passages were written by two different apostles, with commission to different people, yet consistent in their admonition to believers; about shortness of time, urgency and intentionality of action in not being absorbed in the ways of the world while living in it. Both echoed the words of the Lord in John 17:14-16; but O, child of God, are you really living this admonition or are you so absorbed by the story of the rulers of this world, that you follow it in the trail of lies that end in destruction!
There are four dimensions of action called for on our part:
- Sobriety, and intentionally prayerful to be able to react appropriately to
- Fellow believers – 1 Peter 4:8-12;
- The world at large – 1 Corinthians 7:31; 2 Timothy 3:1-8 and
- Myself, my activities and family – 1 Corinthians 7:29b
Amongst believers, when it comes to your spiritual gifts are you using such to benefit the body of Christ, or merchandising such for self?
The speaking gifts must be to teach encouragement while the serving gifts must give practical help so the body of Christ can function smoothly, extending personal care and love to God’s people.
Beloved I call Heaven to bear witness of this solemn alert being shared with you, so you free yourself from the world, its ways and its ruler at this critical time. Shalom.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash
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