When was the last time you were willing to lay it all on the line to see something greater happen in your life? The season is here, take that step and see the Lord God in action.
When was the last time you were willing to lay it all on the line to see something greater happen in your life? The season is here, take that step and see the Lord God in action.
Is there a Mordecai in your life, who sees the potential in you and has been encouraging you to step out in faith to serve your God?
Are you hesitating as Esther first did?
Our Lord Jesus who healed the woman with the issue of blood is still the same today. He will heal, and not condemn you. Why wait any longer?
Is there no reason to celebrate Jesus? Judge for yourself and worship Him who brought us to this place of privilege by grace.
There are indeed controversies over the day and time to celebrate the birth of Christ but there are equally incontrovertible facts that Christ was born.
As we approach the end of the year, a period replete with work free days that take away the daily pressures, it’s a time to kindle the foundational relationship as laid down by the Creator of the institution of marriage
Beloved it is decision time for you as we enter 2025; and see if the Lord will not honour your obedience to the principles taught in this 4-part series on wealth.
What is God’s purpose for wealth and what does the Bible say about money?
We need to understand the believer’s source of wealth and what are the attendant obligations
If your strong city is your wealth, what happens when it is touched or gone? Be wise, your greatest wealth is God.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church