Beloved it is decision time for you as we enter 2025; and see if the Lord will not honour your obedience to the principles taught in this 4-part series on wealth.
Beloved it is decision time for you as we enter 2025; and see if the Lord will not honour your obedience to the principles taught in this 4-part series on wealth.
What is God’s purpose for wealth and what does the Bible say about money?
We need to understand the believer’s source of wealth and what are the attendant obligations
O beloved, what is your disposition towards the poor around you! Ponder and always remember the undoing of the rich man before whose gates laid Lazarus.
The prophetic utterances in Proverbs 30 form the bedrock of three parables of the Lord written in the book of Luke and are a warning for such a time as this.
Why pretend to be what you are not? Yet to make oneself poor while having great riches speaks to something rare.
The steward (typed as children of this world) in Luke 16 text failed the test of custodianship but passed the test of laying aside in his perceived end point. Sadly the children of God fail both.
Times like this, with the collapse of the economy in most countries, demand one to re-evaluate the ‘why work’ and the ‘why business’?
Many people are lost in the economy of the world that that they are unable to see the dimensions of God’s economy. Thus finding themselves entangled in the web of financial issues for a lack of understanding of the operating principles.
Too many of us think generosity is an overflow of wealth but it’s not. So many of us tie our ability to be generous towards God to what we have in our pocket.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church