Beloved, past service is no guarantee of future faithfulness. There is no record that Demas ever returned to the faith. How is your walk in this end of days?
Beloved, past service is no guarantee of future faithfulness. There is no record that Demas ever returned to the faith. How is your walk in this end of days?
The key question we each must answer today—what impact has your life and mine made for Christ?
The Lord bestows gifts to mankind according to His sovereignty and wisdom. To some He gives more than to others.
The steward (typed as children of this world) in Luke 16 text failed the test of custodianship but passed the test of laying aside in his perceived end point. Sadly the children of God fail both.
Covid-19, that noisome pestilence, is far from being over hence the need to guard our loins to overcome the collateral damage inflicted at home and at work.
As the Lord called each of those servants in Luke 19 to give account, so shall we be called to give account to the Lord on our fruitfulness. More than that however is the requirement stated in John15:16.
Mark 10:17-24 tells the story of the rich young fool. By this encounter, Jesus was telling the people around Him that He had stepped up the pass-mark for entry into the kingdom of God.
Too many of us think generosity is an overflow of wealth but it’s not. So many of us tie our ability to be generous towards God to what we have in our pocket.
Militants are those who recognize that there is a need for change: they recognize a time for change; a time for something to move in a different direction
Those who know the will of God don’t take the present for granted, don’t worry about the future and don’t regret the past
(c) The Christian Brethren Church