Beloved, past service is no guarantee of future faithfulness. There is no record that Demas ever returned to the faith. How is your walk in this end of days?
Beloved, past service is no guarantee of future faithfulness. There is no record that Demas ever returned to the faith. How is your walk in this end of days?
Do not fall prey to false doctrine and false teachers portraying the gospel we preach as trouble and suffering free!
The key question we each must answer today—what impact has your life and mine made for Christ?
O that you cease from all your struggles and trust His judgment and wisdom! Then will you have truly entered His rest!!!
How has your faith in Christ transformed your relationships with others? Do you make manifest the aroma of Christ?
We are to live as those who live in the world but are not absorbed by it (1 Cor. 7:31). Is this true of you, or are you so engrossed in the mundane that you are no better than an earth-dweller?
Serving God, hearing and responding to the call is God’s act and not your qualification! God’s premium is on your obedience to Him,.
Every name is usually a pointer to the attributes and character or the personae of the bearer. Such is the case with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as aptly described in Isaiah 9
Without a strong bond of a genuine relationship with Christ Himself we are at risk of everlasting desolation.
You cannot play hide and seek, you either repent, accept and submit to the word you hear, or you will kill the messenger when your guard is down. Herod fell prey to this.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church