There are strangers’ voices all around us and John 10:4 demands that we set our eyes, our gaze on the Shepherd Lord going before us.
There are strangers’ voices all around us and John 10:4 demands that we set our eyes, our gaze on the Shepherd Lord going before us.
At a time like this where the world is up in arms against the church, church leaders must reflect God’s character in their congregations and communities.
As one reflects upon the events in our nation, one needs a singular focus on the word of God to gain the stability alluded to in Isaiah 33:6.
Consider the complexity of your body and see how our God and Creator wonderfully displays the essence of unity.
Ephesians 4:29 paraphrased reads, “say only what helps, each word a gift.” Can we start showing consideration and empathy to all that we come across?
One of the many challenges of aging and retirement, particularly for the “has-beens” is the matter of relevance.
If you understand that the evil or good that anyone does to you, that it is not because they have the power but because God allowed it, you cease to fight men, but rather submit to the will of Him who allowed it.
The Lord warned us to expect betrayal from the closest quarters and admonished that our faithfulness to Him MUST not be compromised by such. Take this to heart lest a root of bitterness take its place in your heart when it comes.
The key question we each must answer today—what impact has your life and mine made for Christ?
What legacy awaits the heritage of the aging church leadership in Nigeria? Will it end in disarray as was the case with Gideon’s family?
(c) The Christian Brethren Church