God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me.
God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me.
Must we confess, utter and repeat all the negatives being spewed out of the media? Have we forgotten the admonition of the Lord to take heed of what and how we hear?
In such times as we are faced with, we need to do a self-check that fear has not chained us within gates of complacency! Are we cowering behind the questions and streams of internal debates; the challenges of “What if this or that happens”?
If there was a time that you will be considered odd for not worrying, it is now. Does Matthew 6:25 make sense in the prevailing circumstances in the country? Certainly!
If you live in guilt today because of yesterday, how will you have the strength to live in victory? Shake off the guilt and move forward.
You can be religious and be lost! In Acts 17 the men who met at Areopagus were described as ‘very religious in every way’ yet their devotions were to various idols.
You should be proud of our Heavenly Father, except you have not experienced the power of redemption and a transformed life!
What you are proud of, you will boast of. There is room for us to intentionally boast of God our Father. In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever.
How do you feel about your heavenly Father? The question to you, beloved, do you know your Father enough to be proud of Him and do boast of Him to the world?
Extreme weather conditions, harsh economic realities and the ignorance of ‘the hope’ are making many lose their minds, taking their own lives and the lives of others violently. Yet His hands are not short that He cannot save!
(c) The Christian Brethren Church