One would wonder what was running through the mind of King Solomon when he penned this piece. As a growing child in school, do you recall what you answered, what you felt, responding to the question; tell us about your father? My father is an engineer, he works at just name it… The pride and confidence with which the words roll out typify the feeling exuded in this scripture—Children’s children are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is their fathers. Proverbs 17:6 (AMPC).
How do you feel about your heavenly Father? Consider the heavens.

An enormous shell of glowing gas better known as the Butterfly Nebula created from black-and-white exposures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2019 and 2020. In the violet-colored regions, strong stellar winds are actively reshaping the nebular wings over the past 900 years Located about 4,000 light-years from Earth, the double-winged nebula is a spectacular example of what happens when stars like the sun run out of fuel and die. Hidden at the point where the two wings meet, a once-mighty star now smolders as a tiny, collapsed white dwarf; the “wings” themselves are the remains of that star’s outer layers of gas, which were expelled violently into space thousands of years ago when the star inevitably ran out of nuclear fuel to burn, and died.
Hear what science with its distorted view and limited understanding says about the sun-The sun is a yellow dwarf star in the center of the solar system, and it is the largest, brightest and most massive object in the system. The sun formed around 4.5 billion years ago. At that time, the area of the Milky Way galaxy that would become the solar system consisted of a dense cloud of gas — the remnants of an earlier generation of stars. The densest region of this cloud collapsed and gave rise to the protostar that would become the sun. As this young proto-star grew, planets, moons and asteroids formed around it from what remained of this raw material, bound in orbit to their parent star by its immense gravity. At the heart of the sun, this same force sparked nuclear fusion that powers the star. The heat and light from this nuclear reaction enabled life on Earth to evolve and prosper. However, this reaction will eventually lead to the sun’s demise, as the sun will eventually run out of nuclear fuel. — culled from LiveScience
Such is the greatness of our heavenly Father who created all things. This is but just one of the dimensions of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge that Apostle Paul captured so well in Romans 11:33.
Job was awed into repentance for not understanding nor being proud of his heavenly Father after he was shown the awesomeness of our Father in creation (Job 38-41 demand an in-depth study by every believer). The question to you, beloved—do you know your Father enough to be proud of Him and to boast of Him to the world? Selah
Pastor Afolabi Oladele
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