Does this sound strange to you, that you can and should enjoy the Lord? God is not a sitting terror, waiting for you to fail and then pounce on you!
Does this sound strange to you, that you can and should enjoy the Lord? God is not a sitting terror, waiting for you to fail and then pounce on you!
One of the setbacks that the believer was warned about by the Lord Jesus Christ is walking in or pursuing the direction the world dictates.
People say good things come in twos, but isn’t that rather superficial? The date is February 22, 2022. When you write it, 2/22/22, it’s a palindrome.
Seeking greatness in a system that’s condemned in judgment is an exercise in futility and will end up in disappointment.
The charge to each of us looking for results, the deliverance of this generation of youth is – would we be intimate enough with God for direction in our approach to this battle?
It’s time to battle with these and a clear conscience the dark powers operating as prosperity preachers, entertainment idols and political brigands
Dearly beloved what are we willing to give up for the salvation of a perishing generation? Are we sufficiently informed of the gravity of their situation to understand that we are not exempt from the tragedy plaguing these young sons and daughters
Beloved child of God, the only witness that counts comes with you living in union with Him, Christ as one.
Who do you listen to? To whose words have you yielded your life. These are extreme times of deception, but you have only one mediator, who you can approach freely.
God’s reckoning of what gives Him pleasure must be different from what we may think – that it is related to my performance
(c) The Christian Brethren Church