How dare you say a situation is impossible because of the likely answer of a man? How far do you want to be limited by the answer of a man except that you don’t know your God or trust Him enough to believe
How dare you say a situation is impossible because of the likely answer of a man? How far do you want to be limited by the answer of a man except that you don’t know your God or trust Him enough to believe
In this period that believers are celebrating a spiritual Easter, it is good that we glean some pointed lessons that may otherwise go unnoticed. In these verses are some of the most important lessons of the mystery of the Godhead and conduct of older women of faith that Paul spoke to in his letter to his son in the faith, Titus.
Satan and his subordinate demon powers are now beginning in every way to prevent, harm or destroy every elect and will do away with them first if possible, BUT GOD IS PREVENTING IT. The devil is working through various types of:
There is time no longer! Let us labour while yet it is day to bring in the souls He died for. He that winneth souls is wise and there are wages both to the reaper and the gatherer in this last harvest. Shalom.
Do you have a profound understanding of the times and seasons you are living in your country?
The scriptures in its entirety is about Jesus Christ (John 5:39) and they tell us precisely what to expect and that’s why Peter concludes in verse 19, that we do well to take heed to prophecy as unto a light that shines in a dark place.
The forerunner of our blessed Redeemer, for all the prophetic accolades that heralded him, never made the honors roll of faith when he missed that unique moment. Sobering isn’t it?
Beloved, there will be days, seasons or moments of OFFENCE, when our limited understanding cannot comprehend our circumstances or travails and we will strive with the word of God, such moments are the hallmark moments of faith, when we MUST believe without understanding or seeing!
Hebrews 11 is a reference chapter for all New Testament preachers of faith. Until one stands in the inspired place with the writer, the full import of what is being communicated can be lost.
Too many of us feel short-changed that we are not in the limelight of preaching on stage and CHOOSE to neglect the general call in Matthew 28:19, 20.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church