If you feel lonely, remember “God has said, never will I leave you; never will I forsake you, surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
If you feel lonely, remember “God has said, never will I leave you; never will I forsake you, surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
If a man be a true Christian, he wins souls. He cannot help it; for Jesus’ promise says: “If you will follow me, I will make you fishers of men.” If we want to spend a life of usefulness, accept Him, and He will make you “fishers of men.”
Be faithful to pray as intercessors who are fully alert and giving thanks to God. Walk in the wisdom of God as you live before the unbelievers, and make it your duty to make him known;
Many people say, “If I become converted, I am afraid I will not hold out.” Why, don’t you see that we cannot serve God with our own strength. When we accept Him, He gives us strength to serve him.
Is there some poor outcast, some poor tramp, here today? I’ve got a good message for you, the best message you ever heard: “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”
Now what is it that man wants more than rest? What is it that the world is in pursuit of? What are all the men in your capital cities seeking after if it isn’t rest?
Jesus said to them, My food (nourishment) is to do the will (pleasure) of Him Who sent Me and to accomplish and completely finish His work.
The Unchangeability or Immutability of God is that attribute that “God is unchanging in His character, will, and covenant promises. Yahweh is a spirit, whose being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth are infinite, eternal, and unchangeable.
Beloved saint, deliver yourself from the distractive enslavement tools put in our hands, in our homes and all around us
From creation acts, Yahweh sets us a model of inclusiveness—Genesis 1:26, Genesis 11:7 and the offspring of Noah in Genesis 11:4 showed that this was the pattern of life, “us”.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church