We are told of a man who was full of leprosy. Perhaps his fingers had rotted off; it might have been that his nose was eaten off. That is the way leprosy affects a man. This man full of leprosy comes to Christ just as he was. A good many people, if they had been in his place, would have waited till they got a little better before they came before him; but this man wanted to get the leprosy away. If he had waited to see if he got better, there would have been no sense in it. Just as it is that you send your child to the doctor when he is sick, this leper came to him and said: ” Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.” There is faith for you; and the Lord touched him, saying, “I will; be thou clean;” and away went the leprosy, as if it had been struck by lightning. I have often wondered if he ever turned around to see where it had gone: no doubt, like Naaman, his flesh became as the flesh of a little child. So can it be for you, you will never nave a night so favorable for coming to Christ as this one. If you put off till tomorrow, your sins will have become more numerous. If you wait till Sunday next, a whole week’s sins will be built upon those you have already. Therefore, the sooner you come, the quicker you will have your sins forgiven. Come to him, if you will just say to him, “Lord, I am full of sin; thou canst make me clean;” “Lord, I have a terrible temper; thou canst make me clean;” “Lord, I have a deceitful heart; cleanse me, O God; give me a new heart. O God, give me the power to overcome the flesh, and the snares of the devil!” if you come to him with a sincere spirit you will hear the voice, ” I will; be thou clean.” It will be done. Do you think that the God who created the world out of nothing, who by a breath put life into the world—do you think that if He says, “Thou wilt be clean,” you will not? **
No wonder Jesus said to His disciples in John 20:23 (TPT)—I send you to preach the forgiveness of sins—and people’s sins will be forgiven. But if you don’t proclaim the forgiveness of their sins, they will remain guilty.” Bringing the good news of redemption and forgiveness for all who will believe is His will and we can pray for this without fear of not being answered!
Many people say, “If I become converted, I am afraid I will not hold out.” Why, don’t you see that we cannot serve God with our own strength. When we accept Him, He gives us strength to serve him. When He has taken away the leprosy of sin, it is easy to live for him.**
Be aware and assured that the measure of your rottenness does not deter Him!
It may be that you have brought shame upon your father or mother or family or the only friends you ever had, and that they just despise themselves. Come to Him, and He will cleanse you. It is to you this word is directed. He can save you to the uttermost. **Culled from The I Wills of Christ by D. L. Moody
Pastor Afolabi Oladele
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