Is there any time that we should disengage from the battles the Lord has called us to fight? It’s not time to be overtaken by any form of covetousness except if you do not want to escape the sure horrors appointed to follow.
Is there any time that we should disengage from the battles the Lord has called us to fight? It’s not time to be overtaken by any form of covetousness except if you do not want to escape the sure horrors appointed to follow.
Our detachment from the world while here is to be free of all sinful passions, living in the world without becoming like it. We must take care NOT to find our purpose and identity in the systems by which the world operates.
The world today stands in darkness because it rejected Jesus, the Light of the world. Without Christ you are blinded by the prince of this world, Satan, from seeing his acts of wickedness.
There is a negative reaction, sometimes subtle, sometimes strong, from the world towards you if you have truly been drawn from the world and thoroughly separated unto Christ
Have you yielded to the sweeping waves of prayer contractors and unrepentant false teachers because of the ever pressing troubles of life? What about the burdens of others you are compelled to carry?
Beloved, true freedom comes from confronting and relinquishing all the unhealthy attachments present in our individual lives as well as in the assemblies of believers.
Your confession to being Christ’s is also an admission to surrendering your liberty to Him; but is this true in the manner you live your life? Are you joined to idols
The Lord Jesus here commands watching and keeping your garments on! Think about this statement for a moment. Suggested here is the possibility of relaxing and while being off-guard we take off our garment!
If we fail to wake out of sleep, we lose consciousness of how close our salvation is. Like the foolish virgins Matthew 25:1-12, we fail to hear the cry, the alarm heralding the arrival of the Bridegroom.
The effect of eating darnel is violent nausea, convulsions, and diarrhea, which frequently ends in death. Such is the gravity of the doctrines of devils taught through false teachers and the satanic agenda perpetuated by his agents in political garbs
(c) The Christian Brethren Church