Prayer is a confession of absolute dependence upon God, not to be vaunted in public display or show-off of piety; otherwise it becomes a portrayal of vanity or self-righteousness that is despised by God.
Prayer is a confession of absolute dependence upon God, not to be vaunted in public display or show-off of piety; otherwise it becomes a portrayal of vanity or self-righteousness that is despised by God.
Sowing and reaping implies a wait and is thus related to the Law of seedtime and harvest. Nothing good grows overnight.
Jesus didn’t hide from the Smyrnaian Church that imprisonment and deep trial awaited them, yet the word of comfort remained fear not!
Know that to every seeming delay, there is a purpose to the delay. Since we know He has promised to be with us, should we despair and yield to fear in those moments of danger?
Eating the word of God, being drawn to Him and being taught of Him is the key to living and being alive. Will you take maximum advantage of the coming season’s break to draw near to Him?
Godly conduct in the workplace also covers employers too. Do you use your power to take advantage of the employee? That ought not to be so.
In the workplace this principle should guide you: whatsoever you do, do it heartily; as unto the Lord; and not unto man.
It takes a home where the man and his wife are thus bonded to have an atmosphere where the children, male or female, can find proper expression of their peculiar challenges; take your counsel, saving them from predators (cult or sexual).
The miracles of our Lord are a visible manifestation of divine power and you can position yourself to be a recipient of the same.
Child of God, the Lord Jesus Christ is neither your mate nor your equal. Do not despise Him. He is to be exalted for He is God, the only true God.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church