Genesis 2:7 shows the making of man. The first man failed the ultimate and total test of absolute and total dependence on the Living God. God’s purpose can never be thwarted and God decided to recreate man as seen in Jeremiah 18:1-4.
Genesis 2:7 shows the making of man. The first man failed the ultimate and total test of absolute and total dependence on the Living God. God’s purpose can never be thwarted and God decided to recreate man as seen in Jeremiah 18:1-4.
In Acts 27:22-44 we saw fasting and breaking of bread as the response to the challenging times that they faced. This brings to the fore those weapons of our warfare that God tells us are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Could you imagine that this opportunity of being at home could be a rehearsal of fitting into His plan, His ultimate plan for us, those who love Him?
Adullam spoken to in 1 Samuel 22:1-2 was a placing of gathering of those men considered undesirables who endured the ignominy of the cave. They reigned with David in his kingdom.
This is the time for us in this midnight hour that we are facing, in these end of times, for the saints of God who understand their place in our Saviour and Redeemer, to rise up in prayer and worship.
What a time we’re living in but I want to bring you good news that this is the time to glory in the Cross.
There is a passion and a desire that is seen in the heart of the writer in Psalm 132, such that he was willing to set aside his comfort, until he found a place for God. Where is the passion in your heart?
Do not, repeat, do not take the Lord Jesus Christ for a decoration to make your life religiously respectable! Such an arrangement ends in an empty and disillusioned life.
As we press forward in our life journeys through these volatile times, remember this: only experience deriving from the centrality of Jesus to your life-journey can provide you with the revelation needed to prevail.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church