Prayer, Worship And Breaking Bread

Posted on March 28, 2020

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Prayer, Worship And Breaking Bread

by Pastor Afolabi Oladele

Dearly beloved. What a time were living in and it’s a delight to bring you a few words of encouragement and guidance again.

We looked at Mark 6:48-50 a few days ago, we also took Acts 16:25-26 and today we’re going to combine these two with Acts 27:22-44. In the first case we saw that the response of the disciples of the Lord was fear and panic and in the case of Paul and Silas the response to the challenging times that they faced was prayer, praise and worship.

In Acts 27:22-44 we saw fasting and breaking of bread as the response to the challenging times that they faced. This brings to the fore those weapons of our warfare that God tells us are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

In these challenging times, prayers, praise and worship, fasting and breaking of bread come to the fore as mighty weapons of war against the works of the enemy.

Remember in the days of Jehoshaphat when they were surrounded by the Ammonites and the enemy host of the Moabites and Meunites, that it was the word of God that got them to appoint singers and as they were giving praises the Lord God Almighty was bringing deliverance even unto the entire camp.

I beseech you my brethren, remember these things and let prayer, praise and worship, fasting and breaking of bread replace fear and panic at a time like this. Our God is strong and He’s able to help.

But let me take you one step further considering the events in Acts 27:22-44. Always hope that there is someone who has both insight and foresight. If you take Proverbs 8:12 it speaks: I, wisdom, live with insight, and I acquire knowledge and foresight. When you have insight and foresight, you can’t go wrong. God always has someone who has both insight and foresight to guide His people and preserve them from destruction. Have you identified such a one around you?

Remember that in the case that we are looking at in Acts 27 that Paul had insight and foresight and he deployed it but not everybody acted accordingly. The soldiers who heard and had the capacity to act did and it worked for them, and but for their intervention those on the boat who heard and had the capacity to act and failed to act would have perished.

Those of you who have both insight and foresight at this time, do not cease to speak forth. Do not hold your tongue but speak and declare it, you may save some. Not everyone would accept but this is the time for us to stay close to our God and let His word guide us.

God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Pastor Afolabi Oladele

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