I feel impressed to exhort us today in this direction, if I may.
We, believers in Christ, we bless, we do not curse! We do not pray for the death of anyone, none.
It is not in our SPIRITUAL DNA to curse but bless! Irrespective of the provocation and hurt, we do not curse nor pray for anyone’s death.
We are empowered and given authority, however against evil spirits. These are not human beings but persons without bodies of their own. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…”
True Holy Spirit dwelling saints of God do not curse, neither do they pray for the death of any man, even in the face of persecution!
This is sound doctrine, irrespective of how we feel, or who preaches what, or practices otherwise, and irrespective of such results they appear to get from unbiblical (New Testament) doctrinal positioning.
Vengeance And Judgement
We, the elect of God, are not related to Achan or Eli’s sons and shall not perish under God’s judgement with them.
Achan, Hophni and Phinehas are the ones who took over ‘things’ God had assigned for Himself.
God has said “Vengeance is Mine, I shall repay” Vengeance is God’s!
Therefore we do not intrude nor usurp God’s Sovereignty in His capacity as the All-Wise, All-Knowing, All-Present, All-Powerful, the Great and Ultimate All-Wise Judge. He reserves the Divine Right to Himself to determine who to kill, save, make alive, curse, bless, show mercy to or destroy.
It is wrong and ungodly to pray for the death of anyone, Bill Gates or whoever is being mentioned amongst those pushing for forced vaccinations, implants of micro-chips, reduction of world population, worldwide domination of men, etc.
Evil Men and Deception in the Last Days
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them (2 Timothy 3: 13, 14)
Relax… God is on top of the situation!
The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities (God’s Kingdom) (2 Peter 2: 9, 10)
Even as at today, we know in part, we prophesy in part.
What things do we pray for then?
- We are to pray for the salvation of the souls of men, who presently are pushing evil agendas.
- We are to pray that only the Sovereign Will of God Almighty must prevail!
- We must pray for the healing of those affected by the virus and are sick. We pray for those who are engaged in medical care – doctors, nurses, medical personnel, auxiliary workers, care-givers, etc.
- We must pray for protection from this pestilence – for ourselves, loved ones, friends, neighbours and leaders.
- We pray against spirit of armed banditry, burglary, robbery, kidnapping and civil disobedience.
- We must pray for revelation wisdom to guide us as we continue to live in this present world, nor declining but always abounding in every good work, ever increasing faith in God and sensitivity to God’s voice always.
- We must pray for the grace to be used to deliver and save many from the deceptions of Satan, sin and hell.
These and more are the things that we pray for in love, faith and hope.
Knowing this ↓↓↓
And the Lord shall deliver YOU AND I from every evil work, and will preserve YOU AND I unto His heavenly kingdom: to Whom be glory for ever and ever” Amen (2 Timothy 4: 18)
Our Goal Is God.
The Liteman T
April 2020
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