Submission And Worship

Posted on April 17, 2020

Home Blog Posts Submission And Worship


Submission And Worship

by Pastor Toks Oshokoya

He is King over all (COVID19, 5G Evil effects and plans et al)!!!

O, come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker” 🙌 Psalm 95:6

All hail the power of Jesus Christ, 
Let angels prostrate and fall’
Bring forth His royal diadem,
Crown Him👑... crown Him👑.... crown Him👑
Lord of Lords!

The Lamb has come and gone…. His fragrance and protective blessed aroma and presence is still with us, glory!
The Lion is coming soon! We shall reign with Him for ever and ever.

However, for today and always, let us worship Him!

But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with HEALING IN HIS WINGS; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet IN THE DAY THAT I SHALL DO THIS“, saith the LORD of hosts (Malachi 4:2-3).

Throughout Scripture we are called to worship the Lord in various ways and by various means. We are called to give thanks, praise, and power to our God. But the practice of all of these commands and encouragements must begin with submission to God — “bow down…kneel before the Lord.”

There is no true worship without submission. We can admire Jesus, we can appreciate the selflessness and sacrifice of the cross, we can even confess that He is Lord…but if we do not submit to Him as our Lord, than we have not offered Him genuine worship.

Worshiping God begins by submitting to God’s rightful rule over us because He is “our maker.” There is no particle or person or planet that does not owe their existence to God. Because He is the creator of all things, all things owe their allegiance to Him.

None are exempted from this call — “let us worship and bow down” — because none are excepted in the description of God as their “maker.” We are every one of us summoned to the privileged position of worshiping at the feet of Jesus Christ.🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️

Let us start afresh with submission – We make a decision today!! Heart-resolute decision, no turning back.

We must therefore begin by bowing down, by kneeling before Him and submitting to His rightful rule over your every thought, word, deed, and design. You must prepare to meet your Maker.

Make Him King! King over all the nations, the entire Earth and the Universe et al

Praise my soul the King of Heaven,
To His feet, my tribute I bring,
I am ransomed, healed, restored and forgiven!
Who else should my praises be to?

Praise Him!🙌

The Liteman T
11th April 2020

We shall soon reign with Him in glory if we keep our focus on this blessed hope, unwavering!

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