Satan’s typical assault follows every victorious outing against him. Sobriety is therefore a necessity for a victorious soldier!
Satan’s typical assault follows every victorious outing against him. Sobriety is therefore a necessity for a victorious soldier!
Do you know who you are? Do you believe all the Lord has said about you? May the LORD make His face shine upon you.
When we don’t know what to do when we are weak or discouraged, sick or scared, the Helper comes alongside providing insights, encouragement and renewed strength.
We often look the wrong way for help. We ought to recognise and approach who is our helper, and trust Him.
Whether as in the case of Job or the Lord’s that were permitted by God, or in the case of David who against all counsel numbered Israel disobeying the word of God, or Jonah who was running away from God’s will for him, the reaction to consequential adversity is not to be withdrawn or become passive
With the Lord our God, there is always a reason for and purpose to adversity. So what should be our reaction?
Proverbs 28:20 asserts, “A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.”
As there are examples of men of integrity in the Bible, so are there examples of women of integrity. As children of God we have no excuse to not walk in integrity.
What excuse will you have to fail to walk in integrity?
Does integrity characterise our fellowship with one another? Here’s the challenge to each of us as members of one body.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church