Be Conscious of The Enemy’s Response To Your Spiritual Victories (Part 1):2 Chronicles 32:1

Posted on May 31, 2024

Home Blog Posts Be Conscious of The Enemy’s Response To Your Spiritual Victories (Part 1):2 Chronicles 32:1


Be Conscious of The Enemy’s Response To Your Spiritual Victories (Part 1):2 Chronicles 32:1

We bring to our attention today, particularly for those who are actively engaged in God’s ambassadorial assignment, the following scriptures here restated

  1. You didn’t choose me, but I’ve chosen and commissioned you to go into the world to bear fruit. And your fruit will last, because whatever you ask of my Father, for my sake, he will give it to you! John 15:16 (TPT)
  2. I have commissioned them to represent me just as you commissioned me to represent you. John 17:18 (TPT); and
  3. And God has made all things new, and reconciled us to himself, and given us the ministry of reconciling others to God. In other words, it was through the Anointed One that God was shepherding the world, not even keeping records of their transgressions, and he has entrusted to us the ministry of opening the door of reconciliation to God. We are ambassadors of the Anointed One who carry the message of Christ to the world, as though God were tenderly pleading with them directly through our lips. So, we tenderly plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Turn back to God and be reconciled to him. 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 (TPT)

Satan’s typical assault follows every victorious outing against him. Sobriety is therefore a necessity for a victorious soldier!

Our text for today, short as it reads is worthy of deep examination.

After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself. 2 Chronicles 32:1 (KJV)

To grasp the significance of this statement, you need to see the massive restoration to God driven by Hezekiah in 2 Chronicles 30 & 31, with the destruction of altars of idolatry and the people moving forward to destroy all forms of idolatry. A reading of 2 Chronicles 32:2-8, shows the enemy in full rage in the coming of Sennacherib into Judah and with fear-mongering and faith-killing utterances. That’s Satan’s pattern, but alas are we always prepared or are we taken by surprise?

Fast forward to Mark 1:9-13 and Luke 4:1-3. The open affirmation of the Christ after His baptism by John the Baptist, and 40 days of being in solitude and consecration for ministry was followed by the rage of Satan. We could identify more examples. As beloved Bobby and Debbie Gass put it, ‘first the call, then the conflict’; Christian soldier (missionaries on active duty), this you must know, following every victory, comes direct attack on you and yours! Ready yourself for this knowing that Satan attacks what he fears and will do everything to derail you from progressing the execution of your mandate.

Beloved, when Noah was building the ark, he could withstand a hundred years of scorn, but when the job was done, he ended up drunk and disgraced. Peter’s admonition brings to light the caution being given in this posting.

Be well balanced and always alert, because your enemy, the devil, roams around incessantly, like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour.  9Take a decisive stand against him and resist his every attack with strong, vigorous faith. For you know that your believing brothers and sisters around the world are experiencing the same kinds of troubles you endure. 1 Peter 5:8-9 (TPT)


Pastor Afolabi Oladele

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