Unless and until you begin to see this world and everything in it through the lenses of the Lord, you are blind and are destined to judgment.
Unless and until you begin to see this world and everything in it through the lenses of the Lord, you are blind and are destined to judgment.
Who then would dare to accuse those whom God has chosen in love to be his? God himself is the judge who has issued his final verdict over them—“Not guilty!”
For those who genuinely seek to be effective without their generosity being abused, we have the way of the Lord to resort to.
Is repentance just a change of mind or just feeling sorry for what wrong has been committed? Let us not delude ourselves thinking that repentance is just that.
Beloved don’t just be in the number like Judas who accompanied Jesus but neither knew Him nor submitted to His Lordship and His power to deliver
Today you hear such appellation in marketing yourself, what is your brand? Beware; your brand may be your undoing! The tragedy of Judas Iscariot is such.
An agreement that involves salt symbolizes one that is meant to be perpetual because of the use of salt as a preservative ,not corruptible, and indissoluble.
In the days of His earthly ministry, the Lord often repeated certain statements that bear serious lessons for us, but alas, we miss them!
Our pursuit of His favour and the battle against sin in our lateral relationships is enabled by the presence of the Holy Spirit as we call upon Him and rely on Him to strengthen us at all times.
The best definition I have yet come across yet for the word favour is ‘demonstrated delight’, receiving an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church