by Pastor Afolabi Oladele
The best definition I have yet come across for the word favour is ‘demonstrated delight’, receiving an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual. That’s an apt description of what we need today; and favour from God encompasses and goes beyond this definition to reach tangible evidence of being approved of Him. I have heard some say that the favour of God is the highway that connects one to his destiny. If these things are so, then isn’t it worth it to seek God’s favour?
Several scriptures admonish us to do this and we take a few here:
- Psalm 119:58 (AMPC)—I entreated Your favor with my whole heart; be merciful and gracious to me according to Your promise.
- Psalm 135:14 (AMPC)—For the Lord will judge and vindicate His people, and He will delay His judgments [manifesting His righteousness and mercy] and take into favor His servants [those who meet His terms of separation unto Him].
- 2 Kings 13:4 (AMPC)—But Jehoahaz besought the Lord, and the Lord hearkened to him, for He saw the oppression of Israel, how the king of Syria burdened them
- Jeremiah 26:19a (AMPC)—Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah put [Micah] to death? Did he not [reverently] fear the Lord and entreat the Lord? And did not the Lord relent and reverse the decision concerning the evil which He had pronounced against them? But [here] we are thinking of committing what will be a great evil against ourselves; and
- Zephaniah 2:3 (AMPC)—Seek the Lord [inquire for Him, inquire of Him, and require Him as the foremost necessity of your life], all you humble of the land who have acted in compliance with His revealed will and have kept His commandments; seek righteousness, seek humility [inquire for them, require them as vital]. It may be you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.
These scriptures speak to the different conditions precedent that we must necessarily fulfil if we desire the favour of the Lord, viz:
- Knowing His mind, this demands my prioritizing daily sitting at His feet to learn. It is when I know what He wants that my obedience has a basis, irrespective of the cost,
- His gain, not mine, and His kingdom become the focus of my seeking and obedience—Jeremiah 29:12,13 (AMPC)—Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart,
- Humility, kindness and truth must characterize our hearts, even when these evoke negative responses from all that surround us.
These things are the requirements grouped together in our text in Proverbs 3:1-4 (APMC)—My son, forget not my law or teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; For length of days and years of a life [worth living] and tranquility [inward and outward and continuing through old age till death], these shall they add to you. Let not mercy and kindness [shutting out all hatred and selfishness] and truth [shutting out all deliberate hypocrisy or falsehood] forsake you; bind them about your neck, write them upon the tablet of your heart. So shall you find favor, good understanding, and high esteem in the sight [or judgment] of God and man.
As we seek His wisdom to navigate this season of trial of our faith, let us pursue these things, and see what changes He brings upon us all. Shalom.
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