In such times as we live, sudden storms can come in the form of health challenges, financial collapse, persecution and any form of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes etc, but the principles for victory remain the same.
In such times as we live, sudden storms can come in the form of health challenges, financial collapse, persecution and any form of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes etc, but the principles for victory remain the same.
The judgment seat of Christ will reveal your faithfulness demonstrated to bringing gain to the Master and not to self. Serve the Lord, not yourself with gladness if you want to reign with Him.
Jesus Was Ready For The Coming Of Satan, And We May Also Be Ready. Are you prepared, beloved child of God?
In these days of confusion regarding who is called of the Lord, Paul’s encounter with the Lord gives us clarity regarding His manner of calling of the called.
As we celebrate Father’s Day: be like your Heavenly Father. Can we set our hearts to diligently seek Him, to be what He wants us to be.
The proof of the reality of Christ lies in the testimony of the believer’s encounter with Christ; such as was clearly manifest in Acts 26.
Psalms 19:1-3 reveals that we see only those things that our limited senses perceive, not knowing the things that God is doing at the same moments.
All the “I AMs” and titles powerfully describe who He is and what He does. We not only get insight into His character and work we are settled in the assurance summarized by Paul in Colossians 2:9-10.
When Jesus came to Israel, virtually half of the records in the gospel of John recorded Him introducing Himself but they could not recognise Him, neither by the open statements He made nor by the works He did!
If there is anything believers must watch out for, it is pointing to self for good deeds done, otherwise we follow the trail of the false beast that takes glory to another other than the living God
(c) The Christian Brethren Church