A few days ago in early morning devotion, I was wrapped in the imagery of what was happening in Isaiah 6:1-5, where the 6-winged seraphs around the throne kept calling out to one another, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God…; it was as though they continuously reminded God our Father of His nature while simultaneously telling man (Isaiah) what he is required to be. The latter is affirmed by the numerous occasions when God commanded ‘be ye holy as I am holy’ (Lev 19:2; Lev 20:7; 1 Pet.1:15-16 to mention a few).
I soon searched out the meaning of HOLY and was awestruck that it spoke of our Father as being:
- Without a trace of evil,
- Without ability to deceive, and
- Incapable of sin.
The Lord Jesus further stated the same in Matthew 5:48, ‘be ye perfect therefore as your heavenly Father is perfect,’ a call to be entirely without fault or defect like our Father! Wow, what a tall order, yet attainable otherwise He will not demand this of us. He is the enabler if the will is in us to so be! When I complement this with James 1:17 (TPT), “Every gift God freely gives us is good and perfect, streaming down from the Father of lights, who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow or darkness and is never subject to change,” it is easy to see why He is the perfect dad and perfectly fits this poem:
When I had a problem I didn’t know how to solve, I called Dad.
When I was upset and feeling down, I called Dad.
When I was broke and needed money, I called Dad.
When I felt the world was against me, I called Dad.
When something arose I didn’t understand, I called Dad.
And, every time I called Dad, he always made me feel better.
And this is the call to you my brother today, as we celebrate Father’s Day: be like your Heavenly Father. Can we set our hearts to diligently seek Him, to be what He wants us to be as we step forward in this new time cycle? Shall we commit to Proverbs 27:23 (TPT)—‘A shepherd should pay close attention to the faces of his flock and hold close to his heart the condition of those he cares for.’
Let this be our charge going forward and let us rise to the demands of our Father in obedience, then we shall be deserving of these grateful words, “Thanks for always being there, Dad!”
May the Lord grant it so. Shalom.
Your brother,
Afolabi Oladele
Innocent Mafukidze
This is so marvellous. I really enjoyed and I would like to receive more of this type of massage. Thank you