The ice (the crystals that make snow when compressed) makes branches of trees sparkle in sunlight, but also weighs them down, causing them to break under their burden. The same can happen to those with glittering lives.
The ice (the crystals that make snow when compressed) makes branches of trees sparkle in sunlight, but also weighs them down, causing them to break under their burden. The same can happen to those with glittering lives.
Is your service conforming to the Lord’s pattern? Or perhaps you want to see your works burnt? Shalom
To be blatantly presumptuous with God is destructive pride and irreversible consequences come with it. Such was the case with Saul who failed to take responsibility for the calling on his head, and probably nursed desire for gain instead of God.
It repenteth the Lord – What does it mean? Did God mean He made a mistake? Certainly not for one who is Omniscient. Each time the Lord is so recorded, it is the expression of emotion, a pity at the subject for the inescapable consequences of contravening the principles by which He governs all things (Job 38:33).
The pilgrims, travelers journeying through Petra, the chief city of Seir were asking the watchman what time is it? What are the conditions out there? The watchman’s response is clear: ‘it is darkest before the dawn.’ Aren’t we in that situation now?
The fervent prayer is the effectual prayer. At such a time as this, we ought so to hold to God in prevailing prayer because He is the only one who has the power to help.
Jacob realized that when faced with the consequence of past misdeed, only by being alone with God in the place of prayer can deliverance come.
We absolutely can reign in life and achieve all the things that God has planned for us. We are equipped to take charge of both our personal domain and to be change agents in the world around us.
Indeed, you are quickened together with Him and raised together with Him, but you cannot sit together with Him, but only IN Him in heavenly places! We have neither existence nor recognition before the living God outside of the person of Christ.
Human self-portrayal or self-promotion as being religious is definitely not of God neither is it acceptable to Him. Neither yet is seeking the approval of men.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church