Our holy duty is equipping the believing youth to do what God spoke of them – to be an example in conversation, lifestyle, in demonstration of biblical love, of spirit and in faith and purity.
Our holy duty is equipping the believing youth to do what God spoke of them – to be an example in conversation, lifestyle, in demonstration of biblical love, of spirit and in faith and purity.
Harvest time is an appointed, busy and short time when all must be working, following the Master’s example.
Reverence was and remains an open acknowledgement that whatever Jesus did was well and wisely done even when it seemed strange to the disciples, and they could neither account for it nor explain it.
The ‘undesirables’ were the target of the Lord’s ministry – the ‘agberos’, the ‘area boys’, the touts, the addicts, the harlots, the sick and men of violence; those the Lord referred to as the halt and the maimed in Luke 14:13,21.
In Christ there is neither male nor female. Both are one in Him. Don’t let prejudice hold you back, robbing the Master of the needed labour for this 11th hour work
What prejudices are you holding even in your faith in Christ? Tribe, colour or gender? If you will be fruitful for the Master, deliver yourself today or you may be implicitly party to the Lord’s prophesies
When we refuse the rest granted by the WORD of God, we are subject to the dangers highlighted by Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:14,15
Error may be voluntary or involuntary. In the former, men neglect or pervert proper means to be informed; while the latter judging correctly is not in their power.
True life comes from communion with God through Christ, that of unfailing peace which no sorrow, trial or tribulation can affect except we so allow. The enemies we fear are already captive to the captain of our salvation
The questions that make us stumble when it comes to God fulfilling His promises start with ‘how’ or ‘who’ but we must quickly recover ourselves from such, affirming to ourselves that “God said it.”
(c) The Christian Brethren Church