the carnal person concentrates on looking beautiful but the spiritual person acts beautifully. It is this acting beautifully that tells everybody in the physical or spiritual that you are beautiful.
the carnal person concentrates on looking beautiful but the spiritual person acts beautifully. It is this acting beautifully that tells everybody in the physical or spiritual that you are beautiful.
Knowing what it is required to be positioned to act on God’s behalf as His principal agents, the question is who will lead the charge
God has chosen not to do anything in these times except through His Holy Spirit.
Whenever we hear messages or admonitions about the Great Commission and sharing the gospel with others we get fired up for a little while and then later on fizzle out. What is the problem?
The warning Jesus gave with regards to His coming is that we should not be deceived and deception is the only reason why a child of God will miss the Rapture.
Fruitfulness in spiritual matters is at the core of being a Christian. What is a tree without fruits?
When God is your shepherd, He leads you beside the still waters. What happens beside the still waters? You now observe what you ordinarily wouldn’t have observed.
Just as David did not let anyone dissuade him when he faced Goliath, you need to be learn how to ignore the words of those who will try to distract you from the commission God has given you.
Militants are those who recognize that there is a need for change: they recognize a time for change; a time for something to move in a different direction
(c) The Christian Brethren Church