The Practice of Prayer (Part 2)—Psalms141-143

Posted on January 25, 2023

Home Blog Posts The Practice of Prayer (Part 2)—Psalms141-143


The Practice of Prayer (Part 2)—Psalms141-143

If we thought the standard modeled by the Lord Jesus Christ was supernatural, what about David, a man of like passions as we are? A close study of the life of David as penned in the Psalms gives a succinct picture of a man totally dependent on God in every situation; total dependence is the kernel of relationship with our God. Under the persistent persecution of King Saul and faced with the Keilah complicity, where did he turn? 1 Samuel 23 is worth your study! In the face of Israel’s archenemy, the Philistines, before David took any steps to confront them, where did David turn?  2 Samuel 5:10, 17-19, 22-24 (AMPC) and 1 Chronicles 14:14-15 (AMPC) demand your close study too. David modeled the elements of what prayer is:

  1. relationship with God who was always with him,
  2. speaking to God (which is prayer) because he would not presume on the God who is the custodian of all knowledge and power (2 Chronicles 20:12 (AMPC), and
  3. patience, listening for God to speak to him

Our theme texts Psalms 141, 142 and 143 speak to the disciplines spoken to yesterday and would help the reader fully understand the dynamics of an effective prayer life. I encourage you to pick up your bibles and read through these passages of scriptures and walk in the steps of a true prayer person. This is needed in this hour. Shalom.

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