The scriptures are replete with patterns of what things characterises the man that God uses. In this 2-part admonition we want to understand what are the basics for anyone desirous of being used of God.
Paul speaking in our text for today in the TPT version wrote –
Brothers and sisters, consider who you were when God called you to salvation. Not many of you were wise scholars by human standards, nor were many of you in positions of power. Not many of you were considered the elite when you answered God’s call. But God chose those whom the world considers foolish to shame those who think they are wise, and God chose the puny and powerless to shame the high and mighty. He chose the lowly, the laughable in the world’s eyes—nobodies—so that he would shame the somebodies. For he chose what is regarded as insignificant in order to supersede what is regarded as prominent, so that there would be no place for prideful boasting in God’s presence. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 (TPT)
Here we see a template which we will check for consistency in other scriptures. Today, we just select two and glean what are these critical factors that must manifest clearly in the life of one already redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
- David – Psalms 78:70-72 (TPT) – God also chose his beloved one, David. He promoted him from caring for sheep and made him his prophetic servant. God prepared David and took this gentle shepherd-king and presented him before the people as the one who would love and care for them with integrity, a pure heart, and the anointing to lead Israel, his holy inheritance.
- Paul – Galatians 1:13-16 (TPT) – By now you have heard stories of how severely I harassed and persecuted Christians and how systematically I endeavored to destroy God’s church, all because of my radical devotion to the Jewish religion. My zeal and passion for the doctrines of Judaism distinguished me among my people, for I was far more advanced in my religious instruction than others my age. But then God called me by his grace, and chose me from my birth to be his. He was pleased to unveil his Son in me so that I would proclaim him to the peoples of the world
We could pick more examples, Moses, Samuel, the disciples, apostles of the Lamb, but for use of time and space we will establish from these two a number of principles relating to what God harps upon in the people He uses. First as our text makes clear, Hebrews 5:4 (TPT) affirms – And no one takes this honor upon himself by being self-appointed, but God is the one who calls each one, just as Aaron was called.
So, we establish first, that God is the one who calls the man He wants to use, there is no self-appointment (probably the most fundamental of the many reasons many fail or make a shipwreck of so-called ministry).
Secondly, looking at the two examples we chose, there is a consistency in the elements of preparation God initiates in their lives, when they never knew they would be called! Let’s take them apiece:
A. David
- Taking responsibility to care for and love the sheep
- Integrity
- Pure heart, and
- Commitment not to cause loss to the owner of the sheep
B. Paul
- Radical devotion, zeal and passion for the doctrines of Judaism
- Availability to search and know religious instructions more than the people of his age (2 Tim. 2:14-15 (TPT) – Be committed to teach the believers all these things when you are with them in the presence of the Lord. Instruct them to never be drawn into meaningless arguments, or tear each other down with useless words that only harm others Always be eager to present yourself before God as a perfect and mature minister, without shame, as one who correctly explains the Word of Truth.)
- Commitment to the cause of the caller.
C. They were faithful and consistent. They were promoted by the caller to whom they were accountable as in unquestioned obedience as the Lord made clear in a number of parables. We list here three of them for your further study.
You must focus on the attitudes and disposition of the servants in each of these parables to their master and his instructions. The reason is hopefully obvious, Paul lets us know that the man God calls is His bond-servant! Are you willing and able to be a bond-servant? Selah.
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