The Answer To Presumption—Lamentation 3:25

Posted on December 28, 2022

Home Blog Posts The Answer To Presumption—Lamentation 3:25


The Answer To Presumption—Lamentation 3:25

by Pastor Afolabi Oladele

Did you know the reference to waiting is found in 116 instances within the Bible? Psalm 27:14, Micah 7:7 and Acts 1:3-4 are some of my favourite scriptural references to waiting. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines wait as

  • to stay in place until an expected event happens, until someone arrives, until it is your turn to do something…
  • to not do something until something else happens;
  • to reman in a state in which you expect or hope that something will happen soon.

Wait  biblically is to be aware through all of the senses of all that is happening around me and discerning the right time to do or take a next step. When combined with ‘for’, it transfers the trigger for that next step or action to the object we wait for because He knows better. It is an acceptance that not only does He know better what and when that next action fits but that He has the power to do and can be relied upon because He has the will to take it.But too often we understand waiting to mean we:

  • are wasting time, or
  • not taking charge of a situation.

Not to wait implies the exact opposite to each of these key points listed above and to initiate (initiative, is acting solo without reference to guidance from superior knowledge) the action on my own. It implies that I know better, yet do I? That I have the power to the see the end of my action taken, yet do I?  These are the basic elements of presumption.
Do we know all things? There is only one who can TEACH us all things, the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Even those things that we seem to know by established practice (Isaiah 28:26 (AMPC) is because God gave it. Hence anything not subjected to the clearance of the Holy Spirit is presumption, a demonstration of sufficiency outside God and that is sin. David expressed it and taught it to his son Solomon (Psalm 37:5 and Proverbs 16:3). Neal Frisby put is best in his statement ‘He is taller than I am and He sees further than I can see’ an apt summary of Isaiah 55:8-9.

Get presumption out of your way in the days ahead. It is your path to peace at all times. Shalom.

Pastor Afolabi Oladele

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