Driven By The Weight Of Grace (Part 3)

Posted on December 26, 2022

Home Blog Posts Driven By The Weight Of Grace (Part 3)


Driven By The Weight Of Grace (Part 3)

We continue with our thought on for richer for poorer. The parable of the unfaithful manager in Luke 16 taught lessons on custodianship, accountability and betrayal or mismanagement of trust. Our text for today teaches the same but emphasised the recognition of the weightiness of grace; the confidence bestowed that drives a beneficiary, motivating extra-ordinary performance. It is our being driven by grace to deliver to the Master’s pleasure! What a necessity for every believer in all that the Lord has endowed us with.
This is what led Paul to his submissions in the following scriptures:

1 Corinthians 15:9,10 (TPT)—Yes, I am the most insignificant of all the apostles, unworthy even to be called an apostle, because I hunted down believers and persecuted God’s church. But God’s amazing grace has made me who I am! And his grace to me was not fruitless. In fact, I worked harder than all the rest, yet not in my own strength but God’s, for his empowering grace is poured out upon me.

2 Corinthians 6:3-10 (TPT)—We will not place obstacles in anyone’s way that hinder them from coming to salvation so that our ministry will not be discredited. Yet, as God’s servants, we prove ourselves authentic in every way. For example: We have great endurance in hardships and in persecutions. We don’t lose courage in a time of stress and calamity.  We’ve been beaten many times, imprisoned, and found ourselves in the midst of riots. We’ve endured many troubles, had sleepless nights, and gone hungry. We have proved ourselves by our lifestyles of purity, by our spiritual insights, by our patience, and by showing kindness, by the Spirit of holiness and by our uncritical love for you. We commend ourselves to you by our truthful teachings, by the power of God working through us, and with the mighty weapons of righteousness—a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. Amid honor or dishonor, slander or praise—even when we are treated as deceivers and imposters—we remain steadfast and true. We are unknown nobodies whom everyone knows. We are frequently at death’s door, yet here we are, still alive! We have been severely punished yet not executed.10We may suffer, yet in every season we are always found rejoicing. We may be poor, yet we bestow great riches on many. We seem to have nothing, yet in reality we possess all things.

The Master’s gain must be our passion, a point of continuous reflection and prayer. Not driven by serving in pursuit of popularity neither distracted by pleasure nor pain nor comfort of any nature! 2 Timothy 2:3-25 sets out a clear pattern for a servant driven by the weight of grace.

Luke 12:48b (TPT) nails the point—Every servant who does not know his master’s will and unwittingly does what is wrong will receive a less severe punishment. For those who have received a greater revelation from their master are required a greater obedience. And those who have been entrusted with great responsibility will be held more responsible to their master.

We are held responsible for what we have been blessed with, whether wealth, or knowledge, time and the like but more the intense working of the Lord in our lives so that the greatness of the gift drives us to produce to His glory and not for ourselves. Shalom.

Pastor Afolabi Oladele

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