Seeing Through The Proper Lenses (Part 2)—Proverbs 16:33; Proverbs 19:2

Posted on October 3, 2022

Home Blog Posts Seeing Through The Proper Lenses (Part 2)—Proverbs 16:33; Proverbs 19:2


Seeing Through The Proper Lenses (Part 2)—Proverbs 16:33; Proverbs 19:2

Living in a world ruled by Satan through men without the fear of God continues to be an additional dimension of complexity for believers and unbelievers alike! Sadly in their righteous quest for relief, many believers and their leaders fail the test of seeing through the proper lenses. Pulpits meant to lead God’s people aright become soapboxes; and the pulpit is brought into disrepute when the proclaimed choice fails to materialise. Consider our texts for the day:

Make your motions and cast your votes, but GOD has the final say. Proverbs 16:33 (MSG)

You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail. Proverbs 19:21 (NLT)

The “lot” (“lots” – plural) was an ancient method to determine choices. Casting lots was not a game, but a method to determine God’s will and all those involved were apparently willing to accept the outcome.
The real message of this verse is not about “the lot,” but that “every decision is from the LORD.” As the second scripture affirms, that God knows what is best and – in the end – will do what is best in our lives. The issue to judge here is whether as believers we have confidence in turning to Him to handle it or not.  Rather than turn to Him as we should in earnest prayers the present tendency is to try everything to make
things happen our way. But the truth is that the LORD is the one who has the right and power to make the final call!—Author unknown

Shouldn’t we quit trying to work stuff out, and intentionally let God do what He knows is best. Should we not be supplicating that His choice relieve our discomforts rather than take a position or an involuntary choice to fight it! When will we start seeing with the lenses of the Lord, believing that God has a plan and we can go with it Honest, Open and Willing (HOW) or when His choice emerges we bury our heads in shame or go kicking and screaming? Selah!

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