by Pastor Afolabi Oladele
As this momentous month of April 2020 runs out it leaves us with two things never to be forgotten.
First is the realisation that it is ridiculous to reject God’s plan of salvation and His sovereignty over all of creation. It’s like pitching Warren Buffet in the same room with a first grader to debate the principles of successful investing! Isaiah 55:8,9 is so real that we must yield to the Almighty.
More still as the assessments of the efforts to contain and treat Covid-19 begin to emerge pathologists from Italy, Europe’s worst affected country, are said to have found out that ‘Covid-19 is not a pneumonia, rather a form of thrombosis treatable with anti-inflamatories and anti coagulants. They said ventilators and intensive care units were not needed’. Wow!!! Even more, reports are surfacing that plant based solutions are proving effective antidote against this unseen enemy; and guess what? These solutions are emerging from Africa where globalists including WHO have been projecting massive casualty (1 Cor. 1:20-21; Romans 11:33,34 and Ecclesiastes 9:11).
Oh that men will return to God in humility. As we enter month 5, let’s not despise the overwhelming grace served us free by the sacrifice of the life of Christ and the reconciliation granted by His resurrection. Praise Him and receive Him as Lord and Savior. Serve Him and live, reject Him and perish. Shalom.
Photo by Jason Betz on Unsplash
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