Attitude Of Gratitude—1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 69:30-31

Posted on June 19, 2023

Home Blog Posts Attitude Of Gratitude—1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 69:30-31


Attitude Of Gratitude—1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 69:30-31

It comes so easily to gripe and complain. As we run to the end of the half year 2023, never forget, prod your forgetful soul. Would you be like David who compiled the “benefit list” in Psalm 103:2-6 that reads thus:

Yahweh, you are my soul’s celebration. How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness you’ve done for me? You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve done. You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease. You’ve rescued me from hell and saved my life. You’ve crowned me with love and mercy. You satisfy my every desire with good things. You’ve supercharged my life so that I soar again like a flying eagle in the sky! You’re a God who makes things right, giving justice to the defenseless. Psalm 103:2-6 (TPT)

This benefit list “compiled” by David should help each of us count His goodness for the rendering of thanks! “I will praise the Lord, I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, all ye people, praise the Lord”

I am burdened and broken by this pain. When your miracle rescue comes to me, it will lift me to the highest place. Then my song will be a burst of praise to you. My glory-shouts will make your fame even more glorious to all who hear my praises! For I know, Yahweh, that my praises mean more to you than all my gifts and sacrifices. All who seek you will see God do this for them, and they’ll overflow with gladness. Let this revive your hearts, all you lovers of God! Psalm 69:29-32 (TPT)

Whatever happened, make up your benefits list and let 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (TPT) speak:

Let joy be your continual feast. Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.

Will you or will you let your feelings reign? Shalom

Pastor Afolabi Oladele

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