In John 5, we have, indicated in the most unmistakable terms, two resurrections. True, they are not distinguished as to TIME in this passage; but they are as to CHARACTER.
In John 5, we have, indicated in the most unmistakable terms, two resurrections. True, they are not distinguished as to TIME in this passage; but they are as to CHARACTER.
In such a season as this, when the solitary is gripped by loneliness, it is good to dwell on Him who is ever near.
Beloved, all the signs are speaking that the return of the Lord is imminent calling each of us to check our readiness. What will it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?
Being in life union with Christ transforms us from spineless believers to the church through whom His power as described in Ephesians 3:10 will be effected.
Until you know Jesus, you cannot find yourself, who you really are. Can you make this your life pursuit?
Should this earthly side so distract us or consume us that we spare little thought for Heaven?
Horatio Bonar wrote ‘Upon a life I have not lived, upon a death I did not die; another’s life, another’s death I stake my whole eternity.’ This is the value we have been invited to live.
There are basic questions every wise person asks before buying a house. But for the earth-minded Christian the question is: Have you considered that the certainty of your permanent home?
Our clothing serves as a visual representation of deeply held convictions, principles, and ideologies, communicating our core values and beliefs to the world
Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Whether you eat or drink, live your life in a way that glorifies and honors God.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church