Trust in the Lord your God alone for defense in the day of trouble for He alone is the great deliverer. Selah.
Trust in the Lord your God alone for defense in the day of trouble for He alone is the great deliverer. Selah.
If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself (2 Timothy 2:13).
Lord, if perhaps you lift the veil of protection that has kept me from the wrath of the enemy, please be with me, strengthen me by the presence of the Holy Spirit, so I do not fail you, deny you or speak against your sure love.
The writer of the letter to the Hebrews was most explicit in Hebrews 2:14, 15 (NLT) in the confident assurance of what Christ has done for each of us believers who remain steadfast in the faith.
Are you chaffing at not getting help from an expected source? Look to God the ultimate and beneficial supplier with no strings attached.
What will it take to finish strong and finish well? Identify every weight you are carrying. They will only slow you down.
Quit living in fear; trusting and calling upon His name, we will stand victorious against any challenge. Be of good cheer. You have overcome. Amen.
Covid-19, that noisome pestilence, is far from being over hence the need to guard our loins to overcome the collateral damage inflicted at home and at work.
In a generation that just cannot wait, from microwaved meals to instant payments everyone is in a race, and to where? Look at your ways and be careful that you are still on the Lord’s side. Selah.
Writing to Timothy his son in the faith, Paul warned of the perils that will characterize the latter days in 1 Timothy 4:1, 2.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church