Understanding The Demands Of Matthew 22:36-40 (Part 4)—The Mind

Posted on March 6, 2023

Home Blog Posts Understanding The Demands Of Matthew 22:36-40 (Part 4)—The Mind


Understanding The Demands Of Matthew 22:36-40 (Part 4)—The Mind

Why does the mind demand particular attention? Have you ever noticed the difference in the reactions of Zecharias and Mary to the messages delivered by the same angelic messenger in Luke 1:13-20 and Luke 1:28-38? If you have not, please check it out and ask yourself what was responsible for it.

This is one place where the effect of the mind is telling; what our minds and intellect can do to God’s message!

This is what Isaiah warned the religious about, conveying the message of the sacrificial death of the Christ that was to be the basis for righteousness with God. Isaiah 53:1(NLT) declares: Who has believed our message? To whom has the LORD revealed his powerful arm?

Therein is the danger we all face. The unconsecrated mind, that walks and reasons in the flesh will question the word of God as Zecharias did; the reasoning tainted by ‘experience’! The pitfall of religion. You will note that Mary’s question was driven by ignorance but quickly followed by submission in faith to the message! As the second part of the verse clarifies, it takes revelation by the Lord God for the mind to see right. Indeed the 3-step consecration process is initiated in:

  1. not walking in the flesh (Romans 8:8),
  2. a constant renewing of the mind (Romans 12:2) which
  3. leads to the understanding spoken to in Ephesians 1:18, the refence to the inner eye!

This is the time to be intimate with the Lord, putting the flesh down and demanding our minds be submitted by the use of weapons of warfare (2 Corinthians 10:2b-5) while we actively seek to have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).

Would you search this out? We need to have the mind of Christ across all dimensions of life if we are to escape the snare of the fallen gods of this world that are reemerging. Shalom.

Pastor Afolabi Oladele

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