This two-part admonition starts with an allegory that will speak to the discerning, giving direction on dealing with issues particular to our locale. Our theme text from the song of Moses—Yahweh is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2
The context of this song is taken from the book of Exodus which records the redemptive love of Yahweh. It begins with the condition of His people, the nation of Israel – the children of Abraham, as they endured hundreds of years of slavery to the Egyptians. Please note and take a cue for yourself as an individual and also for the nation.
- The hardships on this nation of slaves only grew worse as Yahweh blessed them with numbers and strength, but Yahweh provided a man who would guide his people out of Egypt and ultimately to a land that was promised to their father, Abraham. Only the Lord could provide such a man! Have we asked Him to give His choice?
- This nation was not freed as soon as Moses appeared on the scene. On the contrary, Pharaoh made sure that they suffered even more. For all the noise, it is delusional that all the problems would disappear upon the appearance of your Moses.
- Israel waited on Yahweh to persuade Pharaoh to let them go while they suffered through some of the same plagues as the Egyptians. Through other plagues, the Israelites were only witnesses to what the Egyptians went through. After the final plague, the death of all the first-born Egyptians, Pharaoh was finally convinced. He threw the Israelite people out of Egypt, but shortly after he came to his senses and realized he had made a mistake by letting so many slaves leave. As it is said colloquially ‘the battle is not over until the fat lady sings’.
Yahweh guided the nation of Israel out of Egypt by a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, the prelude to the prophetic journey of God’s ultimate purpose of intimacy or union with man; from a cloud of glory in the temple, to the incarnate Son of God and ultimately to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
He led them to a place on the Red Sea shore where there was no escape from the Egyptians that pursued them. Israel would either have to return to slavery, fight the Egyptians, or drown in the sea; but Yahweh created an escape that not only saved the lives of millions of Israelites, but brought an end to thousands of Egyptians.
At this moment of respite, they were in ecstatic awe over what YHVH had done for them. Moses and Miriam broke out into song. The women danced. There was a huge celebration that day. As Moses sang, the first phrase out of his mouth was:
Yahweh is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2
What a realization on Moses’ part! Yahweh is his strength and song. Yahweh is his salvation. Yahweh is his God. Halleluyah! What great praises! But along with making Yahweh his God, Moses also realized that responsibility came with his claim. His responsibility first and foremost was to, “…prepare Him an habitation.”
Pause, reflect and discern what all the above means for you, so you do not say confederacy with the people and hope is dashed and you curse your God! Pray for those that minister at His altar that they lead the people to the true source of hope. Nehemiah did this and then God showed up! Selah.
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