The Glory In His Name

Posted on May 23, 2018

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The Glory In His Name


There’s a song, Heaven came down and glory filled my soul.

Glory has weight, it has value and what is the linkage to the name of God (2 Cor. 4:16-17).



Perhaps the greatest crime committed in any kingdom or nation, ancient or modern, is the crime of treason. As a matter of fact, it is the only crime to which there is no question of receiving the death penalty. It is the ultimate act of betrayal.

When a government confers on any citizen the authority and right to represent its interests, it has given the greatest form of trust possible and should be esteemed as the highest of honors. The higher the representation, the greater the responsibility and trust, and thus, the greater the influence one can have in one’s nation or kingdom. This is especially critical in the context of kingdoms, where the king not only represents himself, but embod­ies and symbolizes the entire kingdom and all it constitutes. Adam, in essence, embodied heaven’s government on earth.

Therefore, the Fall of Man was not just a personal act of disobedience, but was essentially an act of treason. Adam and his descendants committed the ultimate act of betrayal, deserv­ing the penalty of death. In effect, Adam declared independ­ence from his kingdom government, the empire of heaven, and in so doing severed his relationship with the King of Heaven, abandoned his position as ambassador, and thus deserve to lose his dominion over earth. Through abdication of his responsibility as king over earth, Adam lost the most important relationship of all — the Holy Spirit. Through violation of God’s word, mankind was rendered a disqualified representative of heaven on earth. When Adam fell through this act of treason, he did not only lose his personal relationship with his heavenly Father, but he lost a kingdom. Adam became an ambassador without portfolio, an envoy without official status, a citizen without a country, a king without a kingdom, a ruler without a domain.

The 2 Russian spies in England

Joab and Abner

  • Outcasts, but forgiven and glorified: The story of David and Miphiboseth (2Sam. 9:1-3

See i.e. of glorified – Property, rank and authority returned to him. Solomon had glory 92Chron. 9:1).  But we will have more – his was earthly praise, wealth etc, but ours is and will be divine – Ps. 84:11; Jn. 10:10 Zoe explained.


There is a scripture that Jesus gave us (His disciples) that is worthy of a breakdown, if we are going to have intimacy with Christ. It’s among the things He said last – His last testament in Jn. 13-17. I’m referring to Jn. 17:6-7. I have manifested thy name

To manifest means something that is hidden is now revealed for all to see. Why? Because there is more to the name Jesus than meets the eyes. At the name of Jesus every knee must bow, call on His name and you will receive. That’s what the name had become – a talisman. But is that all there is to His name?

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name? that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.

This is technically true, but spiritually not true. Name is Shem and it speaks of identity and mark of identity and memorial. Eg. Kenneth means a very knowledgeable person.  Diana, very fine person, Phillip – horse Jerusalem from Shalom – city of peace etc etc.

Don’t take names lightly, God had to change Jacob to Israel for his to get the blessing. Often a name gives a clue to the character of a person or place. This is very true of God. The Bible refers to Him with different names, but look closely, they are all descriptions or attributes. For centuries, people did not know the name of God, because they were not intimate with Him – see Gen. 3:  Adam spoke of a relationship…we heard your voice – they were used to it and identified it. THAT’S WHAT’S BEEN MISSING that Jesus supplied on the cross.

He put a rainbow in the sky to remind Noah that He was a benevolent God and would never destroy the world again with water. See also Gen. 15:1,7: Gen. 17:1 To Jacob He kept reminding him of His promises (Who He was) (Gen. 28:13; Gen. 31:13. Yet Jacob kept calling the God of my folks (Gen. 31:42,53)

There’s a big difference between knowing God and knowing about Him. Intimacy is the only way we know about Him (Jn. 20:25). It took him 3 ½ years to reach this point that took John days to get to (Jn. 13, Jn. 21)

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