Crucified With Christ

Posted on January 31, 2018

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Crucified With Christ

Pastor Andrew Morgridge – 21 January 2018


We live in the age of prophecies fulfilling, yet we gloss over them, instead of using them as the standard to measure our walk with God.

2Tim. 3:5 is one – people will have a form of godliness. As we long as we are in the latter/perilous times, the spirit will come after anybody that wants to practice Christianity.

Crucified with Christ is total and true Christianity (Gal. 2:20; 1Cor. 2:2; 2Cor. 5:16; Acts 1:8)

But topic is a truth that Christians don’t practice, though we celebrate Jesus crucified with pomp and pageantry. Whether it’s Christmas, whether it’s Easter, it’s all about Jesus crucified and now risen for our benefits. We sing Because He lives, I can face tomorrow; we sing, I know it was the blood for me… But is that all to Christianity? Is that why He was crucified?

In the book, “The Triumph” by Gene Edwards, the angel of death told Jesus that he was going to keep Him in the grace if He ventured to die for mankind. Jesus told the angel of death that “before you came, I died for the sake of as many as would be Mine.” Jesus died before death was officially introduced (Rev 13:8) So the first thing about Jesus is Jesus slain. 2 things you quickly see about the word “slain” : (1) There is the willingness (CHOICE) to die, and (2) The pain associated with it (Phil. 2:5-11; Lk. 22:39-44). What we saw in the spirit was later played out at His birth. (Matt. 2:10-11).

These appointed delegates knew that they were bowing before a King. They honoured Him with gold, symbol of the wealth and purity of the Davidic kingdom. They paid tribute to Him with frankincense, the priestly Temple offering. Its divine scent rises as a connection between God and man. They prophesied of His death sacrifice with myrrh, the spice of death and burial. They honoured Him in the three divine offices, King, Priest and Prophet.

If we are being conformed into His image (1Jn. 4:16-17; Rm. 8:29; 2Cor. 4:17-18) the standard for us is the same. See Rev. 1:6. Let’s now discuss the 3 nature of Christ: (1) The gold. 3 Scriptures explains this, 1. As it pertains to the Priests, 2. As it pertains to David and 3 as it pertains to Laodicea. Gold speaks to purity of heart and a submitted person – one ready to drop his ideas for the will of God. Laodicea story and why Rev. 3:15-18. Jer. 24:7; Ezek. 11:19; Ezek. 14:3 Scriptures; Ex. 37. Daily contact with gold to help condition their heart and conduct. For David Acts 13:22. Discuss removed, raised up and heart-seat of emotions. Raised up has a purpose – to make us like David’s heart. Kings rule, but with God kings serve (Lk: 12:37; Lk. 22:27; Jn. 13:1-7. Note vs 17)
The parable of the Banquet brings alive the crucified with Christ in the parable. (Lk. 14:16-24)

Look at the servants, from the angle of service.
(1) They agreed with their Master
(2) They were sold out to His plan. (you can agree with someone and don’t do anything about his project. Passion explained in the context of their travailing work – From the rich invitee and the way they would have been treated to moving to the highways and then crannies.
(3) My 1st Missionary experience at the bank of River Benue – ORRIA. Victor on Bike for 3hrs crossing Liberia to Ivory Coast on untarred road. Our crossing from Guinea to Kanema.


How could they do this – they had transmitted from sons to servants. Discuss using of servant and sons
Thayer Definition
1. Slave, bondman, man of servile condition
a. A slave
b. Metaphorically, one who gives himself up to another’s will those whose service is used by Christ in extending and advancing his cause among men
c. Devoted to another to the disregard of one’s interests
2. A servant, attendant
STRONG’s Definition – a slave (literally or figuratively, involuntarily or voluntarily; frequently therefore in a qualified sense of subjection or subservience); – bond (-man), servant.Compare with Eccl. 10:16-17.
Jesus actually called us servants
Shepherds in true meaning. (John 10:
-The Jonah Example – Tarshish vs the will of God.
-As Jesus said, except wheat of corn dies, it cannot multiply Jn. 12

Conclusion: You are not crucified with Christ; you don’t belong to His kingdom.
The Prophet was a person who had a close relationship with God and who became God’s confidant (Amos 3:7). The prophet saw the world and the covenant people from God’s PERSPECTIVE, not HUMAN point of view.
Like God, the prophet deeply loved God’s people. When the people hurt, the prophet felt deep pain (Jer. in Lamentation 2:8,17) He wanted God’s best for them (Ezek. 18:23) and thus his messages contained not only warnings, but also words of hope and comfort.

Why are we different. I have shown the standard in the word.

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