An Appeal To Mothers In These Times (Matthew 20:20-23)

Posted on January 31, 2022

Home Blog Posts An Appeal To Mothers In These Times (Matthew 20:20-23)


An Appeal To Mothers In These Times (Matthew 20:20-23)

by Pastor Afolabi Oladele

This admonition starts with a passionate appeal to all mothers to read over twice and prayerfully our text in the translations suggested to see the lessons being brought to us therein.

Then the mother of Zebedee’s children came up to Him with her sons and, kneeling, worshiped Him and asked a favor of Him. And He asked her, What do you wish? She answered Him, Give orders that these two sons of mine may sit, one at Your right hand and one at Your left in Your kingdom. But Jesus replied, You do not realize what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink and to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized? They answered, We are able. He said to them, You will drink My cup, but seats at My right hand and at My left are not Mine to give, but they are for those for whom they have been ordained and prepared by My Father. Matthew 20:20-23 AMPC

Consider the record concerning Mrs. Zebedee. She:

  1. recognised the weight of glory upon the One she approached to make a request –  she knelt and worshipped. Mother, are you a worshipper?
  2. knew His heart towards women that prevailing culture regarding sexuality was not a constraint to approaching Him – Mother, do you have such a relationship with Him to know His heart?
  3. knew the awesome power at His command and was bold enough to access His mercy and grace to help her children – Mother, do you present your children together with you to the Lord or …?

So much can be gleaned from this text about mother-children relationship that should challenge the Christian mother to reevaluate herself in these days when our children are truly endangered. Mrs. Zebedee and her sons were on the same page on a godly desire. Perhaps more telling is what pattern the Lord revealed here, that to requests made by a mother regarding her children, the Lord responded directly to the children. It’s instructive that our children know what we are asking the Lord for on their behalf and that they should be expectant, so that when the answer comes both mother and children don’t miss it.

Beloved mother, will you draw from these and reshape your walk with the Lord and your relationship with your children? These are perilous times indeed, and the only place of lasting and satisfying help is from the Lord. Selah

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