The shepherd knows where the oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss, is. There He restores and revives my life providing what I need the most.
The shepherd knows where the oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss, is. There He restores and revives my life providing what I need the most.
Recognising that every believer has a decision to make regarding which gate to enter and what road to follow, how does one get direction with certainty and without doubt?
Tests and trials (rains and floods) come to all alike. You may not have control over them, but you have control over your hearing, verifying the word of the Lord and applying His word to your life in total obedience.
Have you reflected on the consequence of being deceived? That you were deceived will not be an excuse to escape where the broad way leads to!
The responsibility to find the narrow gate and the narrow way, and discern and decide to follow the narrow way and not the broad is yours.
Colossians 3:1-14 sets a yardstick against which every believer should constantly review his or her life.
What relationship exists between you and your domain that engenders trust in your leadership that they will follow your instruction without question?
The disciples had left ALL! Why should it be different for us? Have you given up the things that qualify you for worldly recognition to follow Christ?
Genuine worship requires a heart of faith, a disposition of obedience and a repentant heart that does not cling to sin.
Worship is not just music, but giving to God His place in our hearts above any other thing, imagined or real!
(c) The Christian Brethren Church