The times of affliction which manifest as disappointments, failures of all sorts or ill health can trigger two things, namely: the power of terminal thinking, an introspection that drives us God-ward
The times of affliction which manifest as disappointments, failures of all sorts or ill health can trigger two things, namely: the power of terminal thinking, an introspection that drives us God-ward
How easily we get trapped with unsubstantiated declarations and acts peddled on the ever-increasing internet information sites.
We judge a situation as good or bad by how it affects us rather than by what purpose God is seeking to accomplish.
Against the fear and hopelessness that the media and governments of the world perpetuate, the Lord gave us believers a secret weapon, GREAT HOPE!
First God spoke directly as the Eternal Spirit, then by angels and by prophets but men would not accept their messages. Man would create for himself safety and protection by harming, depriving and disadvantaging others. Yet it was all in vain. The Eternal God declared the way out in Habakkuk 2:9-14.
Having found rest and being freed from the torment of the prince of the power of the air, are we concerned enough to tell others of the way out?
We cannot claim ignorance and say there is still time and keep procrastinating. This is the harvest time. Let us take heed to the urgency inherent in our text of today, knowing the night is upon us when no man can work
Why would you create enmity where God wants to pull such down? Let us earnestly seek the Lord for courage to get off our prejudices to our environment and preach the gospel of the kingdom in our environment. Shalom
Jesus fulfilled prophecy of bringing light to a people who sat in darkness! We will have no excuse if we fail to share the love of God in the big cities, notwithstanding the limitations of the environment such as the impenitence and unbelief of the inhabitants
Being in alignment with God’s desire to see all men saved (1 Timothy 2:4) is what we ought to individually seek the face of the Lord for, until we begin to fully carry out His purpose. Selah
(c) The Christian Brethren Church