Natural power cannot accomplish what only supernatural power can accomplish. Romans 8:26a says the Holy Spirit helps our infirmities but how?
Natural power cannot accomplish what only supernatural power can accomplish. Romans 8:26a says the Holy Spirit helps our infirmities but how?
Children carry on whatever legacy or examples that parents hand down to them, therefore ensuring to pass down godly legacies becomes an imperative task for parents.
How are you using the endowments that God put in your life? What choice are you making with them?
Are you a fan or a disciple? We want to deal with the issues that pertain to God’s power and His principles, which is the demarcating line.
Jacob valued what his brother had. The Bible says in Revelation 3:11 “take heed, so that no man will TAKE your crown.” He didn’t say they will steal it, they will take it.
(c) The Christian Brethren Church