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Many Christians can say assuredly that they do not commit “physical” sins, and they are correct to a large extent, but how about the sins of the heart?
Love is the foundation for sound character, and character is very germane in our pursuit of the goal that we have set for ourselves.
Until you resolve in your hearts, your very foundation in terms of who you are, you’ll stand confused all your life. Tell yourself, “I’m a child of promise and I’m a wonder of God”. Do you believe it?
Many people are lost in the economy of the world that that they are unable to see the dimensions of God’s economy. Thus finding themselves entangled in the web of financial issues for a lack of understanding of the operating principles.
In the society in which we live, a malleable sense of truth creates false realities; whether media spin, non truth, or biases that have been accepted by political tactics, as long as they line up with the objectives of those speaking them.
It’s always a privilege to go the house of God, to kneel down to pray, to sit down to read and study the Scriptures and yet people are always doing one thing or the other that the devil has given them to do instead, on service days (special or normal).
(c) The Christian Brethren Church